

Malt, Ginseng, and leeks for mothers in postpartum period  is prohibited to eat after the production of food in the month,


In principle,postnatal mother’s canal and the cervix are in a inflamed state after the birth. Some food for postnatal mother must be understandd, after eating them can cause discomfort . Because  postpartum blood must exclude waste quickly, some food mainly caused by anti-inflammatory diet which is not reached quickly reply to pre-pregnancy state.

What food can not eat in a postpartum period?   

Ginseng for  people generally has the effect of qi, but still has side effect to postpartum uterine contractions, and even lead to inflammation of the cervix and even drama.There are some side effcet to bleed, another ginseng during lactation also has retired the effect of milk.


Malt , in the lactation period, will lead to  reduce amount of maternal milk, and even the can inhibit breast-feeding. The matter must be careful that you do not  directly use the malt, but still need to be careful of malt products, such as: Wheat tea, maltose .... and so on, but after eating one, within 24 hours you can immediately feel the sharp decline in the amount of milk.


Leek must be prohibited in the food when you eat during lactation, although the effect is not  obvious . But leek has irritating substances, it may be through breastfeeding indirectly related components to pass the baby!


In principle, during the pregnance , tobacco, alcohol, betel nut is prohibited.Theyi will make the baby insomnia  through breast-feeding. If mothers do not have these foods and stimulants, mothers and babies will be very healthy!

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